
BACKGROUND: OB/GYN programs rely on resident research projects for the ACGME scholarly requirements. Recently, ACGME has shifted to requesting better definitions/additional curriculums. This obligation shift represents a major change for residencies. The Six-Source Model of Influence (SSM) is a well-studied model for change based on Motivation and Ability of three forces: Personal, Social, and Structural. We established a team-based resident research program using SSM. We then evaluated the success of our program. METHODS: We developed a resident research program over a 7-year period in an OB/GYN resident program on probation in part due to lack of scholarly activities. Using SSM we identified personal motivation/ability, social motivation/ability, and structural motivation/ability factors for intervention. Personal motivation—research required for graduation. Personal ability-supported by monthly learning sessions. Learning topics included types of research studies, statistics, research design, and abstract/manuscript writing. Social motivation and social ability were obtained by using a team research approach. Each team was comprised of a PGY-1, -2, -3, and -4. Roles were delegated by year, with team interaction and support. Structural motivation—monetary rewards for project presentation and free trips if abstracts were accepted. Structural ability—designated research program director and support staff for statistics/project completion. Monthly sessions were built into the academic schedule for group research. A designated resident research office was created. RESULTS: All 28 residents completed their projects on schedule. Eight of 28 residents went on to fellowship programs. Eight of 28 obtained positions in academic departments. Eight residents presented posters at national OB/GYN meetings, including the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the College), the Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Four of 28 residents gave oral presentations at one of these meetings. One resident was awarded the national College prize for best resident research project. DISCUSSION: Resident research requirements are changing. Accepting that people do things for two reasons: motivation—because they want to, and ability—because they can, provides the basis for SSM. By applying these two reasons to the three forces of personal, social, and structural; a sound resident research model can be constructed. Our research presentations support SSM can produce positive, productive, and sustainable change.

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