
JN i687, two years after setting up shop in Philadelphia, William Bradford printed a little book by William Penn, The Excellent Privilege of Liberty and Property, Being the Birthright of Freeborn Subjects of England. Penn's purpose in publishing this small book was to acquaint the settlers of his infant domain with their inestimable inheritance as freeborn Englishmen, and to help them understand how to preserve it from unjust and unreasonable men. To accomplish this purpose, Penn had the printer reproduce the first forty pages of English Liberties: or, The Freeborn Subject's Inheritance (i682),' adding as an appendix a copy of the Patent granted Penn by the king and a copy of the second Frame of Government Penn had drafted for the colony. Long attributed to Henry Care, an English journalist who gained notoriety as a chief publicist of the supposed Popish Plot of i678, there is good reason to believe that English Liberties was largely

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