
I. The Columbus Concept: Scope and Limitation Wild-type Land-based Diet in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention: The LDL-CC:HDL-CC model (CC=Columbus Concept). Fabien De Meester Non-Essential Nutrients Fabien De Meester Essential Nutrients Fabien De Meester Functional Components Fabien De Meester I.2 The Japanese Experience: High Cholesterol is not an important risk factor of all-cause mortality. Tomohito Hamazaki MD, PhD. I.3 High Omega-6 : Omega 3 ratio-the Israeli Experience. Gal Dubnov-Raz MD, Elliot M. Berry MD FRCP I.4 Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio is important for health: Lessons from genetically modified cells and animals Jing Xuan Kang I.5 Tissue Omega -6 and Omega -3 fatty acids in Health and disease. William Lands I.6 Wild-type food and coronary heart disease: EU and US clinical and financial impact models. I.7 World perspective of wild type diet in health promotion. S. Boyd Eaton II. Essential Nutrients in the Wild: Health Benefits II.1 The 'wild-type' egg. An empirical approach to a reference pattern for dietary fatty acids in human nature. Fabien De Meester Liver-and tissue-directed dietary PUFAs Fabien De Meester II. 2 The essentiality of eicosapentaenoic acid in breast milk during human lactation Jonathan Stannard, Basant Puri II.3. The natural fatty acid composition of eggs of wild birds and the consequences of domestication. Peter Surai, Brian K. Speake Ph.D. II.4 Simultaneous enrichment of eggs with PUFAs and antioxidants: prospects and limitations. Peter Surai, Ph.D, Tigran T. Papazyan PhD, Nick H C Sparks PhD, Brian K Speake II.5 Eggs compositionvs vs. CVD risk: from Wild-Traditional to designer- eggs vs. Lipid, Endothelial and Inflammatory Hypotheses Niva Shapira, Ph.D., R.D. II.6 Omega 3 fatty acids: Studies in avians Gita Cherian BVSc, MS, PhD II.7 Chia as a new source of _-3 fatty acids: Nutritional Comparison with other raw materials and its Advantage when producing _-3 enriched eggs Ricardo Ayerza II.8 Fish oils and health promotion. Adrian Dobs M.D., Daniel Edelstein M.D. II.9 Omega-3 fatty acids and Cardiovascular disease Michel de Lorgeril II.10 Dietary prevention of CHO. Bam features Michel de Lorgeril II.11 Fatty acids and insulin resistance. Vijaya Juturu Ph.D., James J. Gormley II.12 Fatty acids in causation and therapy of metabolic syndrome Ram B. Singh II.13 Immune modulation and cancer resistance: Enhancements by omega-3 fatty acids. Catherine J. Field, Patricia D. Schley, Erin O'Connell II.14 Omega-3 fatty acids in physical and mental health and disease. Abolghassem Djazayery II.15 Dietary Prevention of Adult Macular Degeneration: Omega-3 fatty acids in prevention of macular degeneration. Sheila Sedig II.16 Promoting eye and skin health through intake of the natural carotenoid lutein. Brandon Lewis Ph.D II.17 Calcium phosphate: Nutrition in prevention of early childhood dental caries. Rainy Warf and Ronald Ross Watson III. Functional Components in the Wild: Health Benefits. III.1 Natural antioxidants in land- and marine-based food: risk reduction. Peter Surai, Ph.D, AJ Spinnler BenadA(c) DSc, Brian K Speake III.2 CHIA seeds and the Columbus concept: bakery and animal products Ricardo Ayerza, Wayne E. Coates III.3 Health effects of foods rich in polyphenols. Maduri Vemuri, Darshan Kelley PhD III.4 Polyphenols and Immunity Dr. T Neyestani III.5 Flavanoid-rich Dietary Supplementals' Influence on heart failure. Sherma Zibadi, Douglas Larson, Ronald R. Watson PhD III.6 Carotenoids In Prevention of Diseases,

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