
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations increased worldwide in the last decade, but boar hunters have decreased. To maintain and increase hunters and to clarify the problems for sustainable hunting, we investigated their activities, attitudes, and socioeconomic trends. Drama and Kavala, Northern Greece have the best wild boar habitat in the country. We estimated the percentage of hunters hunting wild boar in Drama and Kavala and studied their profile to determine how the recent socioeconomic changes in the region affected numbers, activities, attitudes, and socioeconomic trend, from 1993 to 2002. In 1993, data were gathered through a questionnaire distributed randomly to 411 and 480 hunters in Drama and Kavala, respectively. In 2002, 320 and 400 questionnaires were collected in Drama and Kavala, respectively. In Drama, 13.6% of the hunters hunted wild boar in 1993 and 12.3% in 2002. In Kavala, 10.0% hunted wild boar in 1993 and 9.3% in 2002. The average age of hunters in Drama in 1993 was 37.9 years and 39.4 in 2002. In Kavala, the average age per hunter was reduced from 42.3 to 37.4 years. The average hunting experience had increased by 4.8% and 0.6%, respectively. In 2002, there was an increase in the distance traveled for hunting, the level of education of the hunters, the number of people working in the private sector, and in the public service. Wild boar hunters are mainly married, middle income class, earning 4,000–7,500 Euros/year. The above data will allow managers to better understand the socioeconomics of the hunters of wild boar and may be able to use the data to encourage increased hunting.

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