
Wikileaks did not reveal much we did not know about U.S. foreign policy already. e true revelations were – as many had suspected – that some foreign leaders pursue a di erent foreign policy agenda than the of- cial one. Sources providing information to foreign diplomats will be more prudent from now on. e main impact is a new type of diplomacy bypassing leaders to communicate directly with the people – increasing people’s power and highlighting the growing importance of civic society and the social media. e ability to intensively monitor social media also brings a markedly better understanding of the domestic context of foreign countries. Events surrounding the Arab spring bears testament to this.


  • Wikileaks and consequences for modern diplomacyWikileaks and raison d’état At the Peace Conference in 1918 after World War I, U.S President Woodrow Wilson, often seen as the founding father of the idealist streak in American diplomacy, stated his fourteen points to secure a lasting world peace

  • Wikileaks did not reveal much, we did not know about U.S foreign policy already

  • All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest, and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others it will not be done to us

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Wikileaks and consequences for modern diplomacy

Wikileaks and raison d’état At the Peace Conference in 1918 after World War I, U.S President Woodrow Wilson, often seen as the founding father of the idealist streak in American diplomacy, stated his fourteen points to secure a lasting world peace. He set out by stating the following: by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression. When Russia felt it was necessary to counteract the AustrianHungarian aggression against Serbia, Germany had to support Austria-Hungary, which in turn forced France to become involved as well Such a network of alliances made negotiations impossible and dragged peoples into war without giving them any opportunity to voice their opinion

What did Wikileaks tell us?
The future of diplomacy
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