
A multiple scattering series for deep inelastic leptoninduced reactions is derived by using semiclassical Wigner transform methods. In contrast to the usual Glauber theory there is no limitation for the energy loss since a time-dependent formulation is used throughout. A simple parametrization of the generalized profile function yields a closed analytical expression for the longitudinal and transverse response function of p-shell nuclei. Comparison is made with the Saclay data for -'• C. I Introduction It is common knowledge that geometrical optics is valid if the wavelength of the scattering wave is small compared to the dimensions of the scatterer. Under these conditions the phase-space description of the scattering process by means of the Wigner transform is best suited to derive semiclassical approximations /I/. As a simple example consider scattering of a nonrelativistic particle by a potential V(f). The scattering matrix is given by U(oo, -co) where the time evolution operator U(t,t0) obeys (Ti = 1)

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