
According to the generally accepted phase diagram of QCD, at low temperature and high baryon number density the chiral phase transition of QCD is of first order and the co-existence of the Nambu-Goldstone phase and the Wigner phase should appear. This is in conflict with the usual claim that the quark gap equation has no Wigner solution in the case of nonzero current quark mass. In this paper we analyze the reason why the Wigner solution does not exist in the usual treatment and try to propose a new approach to discuss this question. As a first step, we adopt a modified Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model to study the Wigner solution at finite current quark mass. We then generalize this approach to the case of finite chemical potential and discuss partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite chemical potential and compare our results with those in the normal NJL model.

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