
The relation between the width and thickness measurements of 2 different types of sand bodies were studied. The measurements were gathered from more than 100 literature sources. The reduced regression line through the width-thickness data for shoreline sand bodies is significantly different from a similar line determined for fluvial sand bodies. The lines are almost parallel with the shoreline sand line, a fact which shows that shoreline sands have a greater width than fluvial sands for any stated thickness. Both populations may be fit by bivariate log-normal distributions and both result in nearly linear relations between the mean, median, and modal widths and the thickness. Equations are presented for determining the relative frequency function of the width for any thickness of sand found in a well. Therefore, the probability that the width is greater or less than a stated value, or the probability that the width lies within a particular range, can be determined if one knows only the maximum thickness of the cross section being studied and the type of sand body. The possible error resulting from using a thickness other than the maximum is small when the thickness used is 80 ft or more for a fluvial sand body and 50 ft or more for a shoreline sand body. End_of_Article - Last_Page 857------------

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