
Using a glass-clad Ti:sapphire crystal fiber (CF) as the gain medium, we demonstrate for the first time a diode-pumped, 25-mW tunable laser with a 180-nm tuning range. Active medium is a 2.4-cm long, a-cut Ti:sapphire CF we have drawn with an elliptical core of 13- $\mu \text{m}$ diameter in the [0001] axis and 15.5- $\mu \text{m}$ diameter in the [ $1\bar {1}00$ ] axis. The CF is cladded with silica and has high efficiency (88%) of coupling to the pump, a diode laser emitting 1-W at 520-nm. A blazed grating provides a continuous smooth tuning on the wavelength range from 700 to 880 nm.

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