
For a detailed investigation of the kinematics of our Galaxy we need accurate proper motions and photometric data of stars over a wide range of magnitudes. The proper motions have to be obtained with respect to an extragalactic, i.e. nonrotating reference system. The best way to determine absolute proper motions of a great number of stars for further statistical analysis is to use the enormous amount of information stored on photographic plates taken with large Schmidt telescopes within the last decades. Since automated measuring machines have become available it is no longer a problem to extract this information from a Schmidt plate. Large Schmidt plates cover a sky area of more than 30 square degrees with usually thousands of stars and hundreds of galaxies per square degree outside the galactic plane. With the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope (134/200/400) more than 8000 plates have been taken in selected Northern sky areas since it was mounted in 1960. A 24 cm × 24 cm Tautenburg plate covers a field of about 10 square degrees, and a 20 minute exposure of a B plate has a limiting magnitude of 19 to 21. In comparison to other large Schmidt telescopes the plate bending is reduced to a minimum due to the four metre focal length and the use of relatively small plates. Therefore irregular positional shifts of the emulsion caused by the rebending after the exposure are of less influence. The large focal length leads to a plate scale of 51 arcsec/mm providing a relatively high positional accuracy.

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