
ABSTRACT We describe a new 4096X4096 pixel CCD mosaic camera (MOCAM) available at the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). The camera is a mosaic of four 2048X2048 Loral frontside-illuminated CCDs with 15 micron pixels, providing a field of view of 14' X 14' at a scale of 0.21" pixel-1. MOCAM is equipped with B, V, R and I filters and has demonstrated image quality of 0.5" - 0.6" FWHM over the entire field. MOCAM will also be used with the CFHT adaptive optic bonnette and will provide a field of view of 90" at a scale of 0.02" pixel-1. MOCAM works within the CFHT Pegasus software environment and observers familiar with this system require no additional training to use this camera effectively. The technical details, the performance and the first images obtained on the telescope with MOCAM are presented. In particular, we discuss some important improvements with respect to the standard single-CCD FOCAM camera, such as multi-output parallel readout and dynamic anti-blooming. We also discuss critical technical issues concerning future wide-field imaging faicilities at the CFHT prime focus in light of our experience with MOCAM and our recent experience with the even large UH 8192X8192 pixel CCD mosaic camera.

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