
ABSTRACT We show an efficient way to compute wide-angle or all-sky statistics of galaxy intrinsic alignment in three-dimensional configuration space. For this purpose, we expand the two-point correlation function using a newly introduced spin-dependent tripolar spherical harmonic basis. Therefore, the angular dependencies on the two line of sight (LOS) directions pointing to each pair of objects, which are degenerate with each other in the conventional analysis under the small-angle or plane-parallel (PP) approximation, are unambiguously decomposed. By means of this, we, for the first time, compute the wide-angle auto and cross correlations between intrinsic ellipticities, number densities, and velocities of galaxies and compare them with the PP-limit results. For the ellipticity−ellipticity and density−ellipticity correlations, we find more than $10{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ deviation from the PP-limit results if the opening angle between two LOS directions exceeds 30°−50°. It is also shown that even if the PP-limit result is strictly zero, the non-vanishing correlation is obtained over the various scales, arising purely from the curved-sky effects. Our results indicate the importance of the data analysis not relying on the PP approximation in order to determine the cosmological parameters more precisely and/or find new physics via ongoing and forthcoming wide-angle galaxy surveys.

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