
The lack of adequate training data is one of the major hurdles in WiFi-based activity recognition systems. In this paper, we propose Wi-Fringe, which is a WiFi CSI-based device-free human gesture recognition system that recognizes named gestures, i.e., activities and gestures that have a semantically meaningful name in English language, as opposed to arbitrary free-form gestures. Given a list of activities (only their names in English text), along with zero or more training examples (WiFi CSI values) per activity, Wi-Fringe is able to detect all activities at runtime. We show for the first time that by utilizing the state-of-the-art semantic representation of English words, which is learned from datasets like the Wikipedia (e.g., Google's word-to-vector [1]) and verb attributes learned from how a word is defined (e.g, American Heritage Dictionary), we can enhance the capability of WiFi-based named gesture recognition systems that lack adequate training examples per class. We propose a novel cross-domain knowledge transfer algorithm between radio frequency (RF) and text to lessen the burden on developers and end-users from the tedious task of data collection for all possible activities. To evaluate Wi-Fringe, we collect data from four volunteers in a multi-person apartment and an office building for a total of 20 activities. We empirically quantify the trade-off between the accuracy and the number of unseen activities.

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