
Oodgeroo wrote ‘Aboriginal Charter of Rights’ to present to the fifth Annual General Meeting of the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in Easter 1962. Aboriginal Studies is about social justice for all Australians—equity, human rights, a fair go and mutual respect for our fellow Australians. It is hard to define social justice but everybody knows what it is, particularly when it is missing. Aboriginal Studies and Torres Strait Islander Studies is the study of Aboriginal societies or Torres Strait Islander societies past and present, including histories, cultures, values, beliefs, languages, lifestyles and roles, both prior to and following invasion. Indigenous Studies comprises both Aboriginal Studies and Torres Strait Islander Studies—by definition, Indigenous Studies includes Torres Strait Islander Studies. Some teachers still think the subject is of relevance only to Indigenous children and are reluctant to introduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and perspectives into schools with predominantly non-Indigenous student populations.

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