
Back to table of contents Previous article Next article From the PresidentFull AccessWhy Should You Vote in APA’s 2020 Election?Bruce Schwartz, M.D.Bruce SchwartzSearch for more papers by this author, M.D.Published Online:11 Dec 2019https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.pn.2019.12b31It’s the holiday season, which means that the time to elect APA’s next slate of leaders has arrived. I know that each of you is very busy, and it’s easy to overlook APA’s email or paper ballot inviting you to vote in the election. But as a psychiatrist who cares very much about our patients and the role your professional organization plays to expand access to care and shape the future of psychiatry, you have a responsibility to participate in the election and choose the candidates whose vision for APA most closely aligns with yours.I can tell you with absolute confidence that all the candidates care deeply about our patients and profession, and while their policy goals and emphasis on issues may differ, they all want what is best for APA and the millions of Americans for whom we care every day. I can also tell you that campaigning for a leadership spot at APA is very rewarding, as it is an opportunity to talk and communicate with as many members as possible across the country and in Canada. Candidates want to hear from you.We know that psychiatry will continue to evolve, and APA is in the best position to lead the way. While the challenges we face may be daunting, we need strong leaders to address them, move the profession in the right direction, and help us adapt to inevitable change. Organizations that do not evolve become endangered and at worst extinct!While I wish that more of our members would vote in APA’s election, every vote that is cast really does make an impact, especially in races that are incredibly close. With this in mind, it’s important to do your research and make an informed choice. I encourage you to take a moment to review page 8 of this issue and visit APA’s Elections Page at psychiatry.org/election and check out the slate of candidates, many of whom have websites outlining their positions. Learn additional information about the candidates for president-elect, treasurer, and trustee-at-large by watching short videos in which they talk about their qualifications and their goals should they be elected.The election page on APA’s website also includes a link to contact information for each of the candidates. If there’s an issue you’re passionate about and you want to know candidates’ position on it, reach out to them personally and ask! The ability to speak directly with each of the candidates is one of the strong, democratic features of our election process and a great way to identify the candidates who share your priorities for APA and where it should go in the near future and beyond.Voting in the APA election is easy—click on a ballot link in the email that APA will send you in early January and vote for the candidates of your choice. Make sure your contact information is up to date in your APA member profile to ensure you get the email containing the link to your ballot. If you don’t have an email address on file with APA, make sure your mailing address is correct so you’ll receive a paper ballot. To check your member profile, go to psychiatry.org, log in, click on the arrow to the right of your name, and select “Member Profile.”If you’re looking for a way to have a direct impact on the direction of APA’s mission in the future, the most powerful tool at your disposal is your vote. Those you elect will serve as some of psychiatry’s most visible advocates at the federal level and work together with the Board of Trustees and the Assembly to make the best possible decisions for APA and our patients.Voting opens on January 2 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on January 31. Make your mark on the future of APA with your vote. It matters. ■ ISSUES NewArchived

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