
Teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of Computer Design" to students of Computer Science specialties of pedagogical universities is connected with modern educational trends arising from the requirements of the labor market. The paper substantiates the need to introduce this course in the educational process of training of pre-service Computer Science teachers, taking into account the professional teacher standard and the state standard in Computer Science. It is noted that the teaching of this course contributes to the formation of important interdisciplinary and subject professional competencies, including information and digital competence, which are necessary for both a modern specialist in the field of ICT and pre-service Computer Science teachers. The connection of this course with other disciplines that should be taught to pre-service Computer Science teachers according to the curriculum is presented. A survey of 1st year students majoring in "Informatics" was conducted to determine their knowledge and skills that they received before entering the university, their attitude to the use of various software used in the modern market of information and communication technologies for processing graphic data. The analysis of the respondents' answers showed what kind of graphic editors they use, which in turn allowed us to conclude that the conditions for pre-service teachers to achieve relevant competencies in computer design have changed.

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