
The article addresses MiFID’s influence in several important Member States on (1) the asset manager’s duties under private law, (2) the requirement of proximity or relativity in the Members States where this is a requirement for liability in tort, (3) proof of causation, (4) the validity of limitation and exclusion clauses in asset management contracts, and (5) the validity of an asset management contract. Furthermore, the article shows that there are considerable differences among the Member States regarding MiFID’s impact on an asset manager’s civil liability. To make things worse, national private law often provides little clarity either. In many jurisdictions, judges, practitioners, lawmakers, and academics would struggle to respond to basic questions regarding MiFID’s private law impact. This is regrettable having regard to both legal certainty and a level playing field for investor protection in Europe. The European legislator is unlikely to formulate uniform European answers in the near future. In any event, the current draft of MiFID II does not address questions regarding its civil law impact.

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