
The birth of the theory of noonomics was a reflection of the community of economists and its bright representative S. D. Bodrunov on the need for a systematic anthropological understanding of the boundaries of the capitalist arrangement of the world, the limits of the market economy in the coevolution of Nature and Society. The processes of information technology progress, the inconsistency of the globalization of the world order, the growth of social conflicts and environmental problems are accompanied by an increase in anthropological catastrophes. The purpose of the article is to consider the conceptual goals of the theory of noonomics to the world of variability and multiplicity of ideas of its transformation. Conclusions about the use of noonomics in the referential logic of decision-making can serve as a theoretical basis for the clash of subjective interests, currently limited only by «pluralism of opinions» in assessing possible ways of development of the country. The theory of noonomics by S. D. Bodrunov is valuable for us today because it is an approach with fuzzy control that is replicated by our ability to change the model of development of society beyond the limits of classical political economy. Externally, the fuzzy logic of the theory of noonomics, when carefully immersed in its content, suddenly acquires the features of a control system with a mind (R. Golunov's expression) on the ruins of the familiar world (Andrey Fursov). We specifically use the terms of scientists who have not yet entered the thesaurus of geopolitics and are different from the products of «zombie-box». It is the acute understanding of the need to destroy the established word flow of «blind guides» that distinguishes the ideas of S. D. Bodrunov, which are the structure of the theory of noonomics in its socio-cultural plan. Noonomics seems to indicate changes in the content of the fundamental foundations of higher education.

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