
Female dance-flies, Empis borealis L., gather to swarm, and males carrying nuptial gifts visit swarms for mating. Field observations and experiments were performed on this behaviorally sex-role reversed species to test models of lekking behavior. The key predictions were: (1) female preference model: male visiting rate and mating rate should increase with the number of females in swarm (swarm size), (2) hotspot model: male visiting rate should be independent of swarm size, and (3) hotshot model: swarm size should be positively correlated with the body size of the largest female in swarm. We found that male visiting rate and mating rate increased with swarm size, and that mating rate per female increased with swarm size. Males also mated more often in larger swarms than in smaller ones. Both males and females visited swarm sites even in the absence of other individuals. When females were successively removed from swarm sites more males than females on average arrived at these sites: 2.25 males per female. When no individuals were present at the swarm site, arriving males moved on to another site, whereas arriving females generally stayed. Larger experimental swarm-markers attracted both more males and more females and even more males when swarming females were present. There was no correlation between mean or median female size in swarms and the number of females in swarms. Thus, the female preference model and the hotspot model were corroborated, while other models were judged unlikely to explain swarming behavior in E. borealis.

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