
The antifreeze protein (AFP) reduces the growth rates of the ice crystal facets. In that process the ice morphology undergoes a modification. An AFP-induced surface pinning mechanism, through matching of periodic bond chains in two dimensions, enables two-dimensional regular ice-binding surfaces (IBSs) of the insect AFPs to engage a certain class of ice surfaces, called primary surfaces. They are kinetically stable surfaces with unambiguous and predetermined orientations. In this work, the orientations and molecular compositions of the primary ice surfaces that undergo growth rate reduction by the insect AFPs are obtained from first principles. Besides the basal face and primary prism, the ice surfaces engaged by insect AFPs include the specific ice pyramids produced by the insect AFP Tenebrio molitor (TmAFP). TmAFP-induced pyramids differ fundamentally from the ice pyramids produced by fish AFPs and antifreeze protein glycoproteins (AFPGs) as regards the ice surface configurations and the mode of interaction with the protein IBS. The molecular compositions of the TmAFP-induced pyramids are strongly bonded in two dimensions and have the constant face indices (101). In contrast, the molecular composition of the ice pyramids produced by fish AFPs and AFPGs are strongly bonded in only one direction and have variable face indices ( h 0 l), none of which equal (101). The thus far puzzling behavior of the TmAFP in producing pyramidal crystallites is fully explained in agreement with experiment.

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