
Abstract A fundamental question for the study of everything, including of the scenic movement in theatre. A necessary question in any artistic endeavour and nonetheless, continuously endangered by the pressure of information, of the speed of technology, of the necessity of the NOW, the god of the time of globalization and consumer age. What we are aiming at in our applied studies of theatre anthropology, would be the discovery of a line of personal expression distinguishable in the art of theatre representation, which could be subsequently returned to and cultivated by the actor at various levels of artistic maturity. Memory, training and attention allow us to eliminate samples of stage movement and thinking. Memory helps us in the appropriation of skills and knowledge in our work. It helps us change at any time the manner of thinking, in order to become more aware. At the end of the day, in the absence of subjective memory, it becomes impossible to move being aware in the time and space of our own lives...

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