
To compare neonatal red blood cell (RBC) transfusion rates in four large Intermountain Healthcare NICUs, all of which adhere to the same RBC transfusion guidelines. This retrospective analysis was part of a transfusion-management quality-improvement project. De-identified data included RBC transfusions, clinical and laboratory findings, the anemia-prevention strategies in place in each NICU, and specific costs and outcomes. Of 2389 NICU RBC transfusions given during the 4-year period studied, 98.9 ± 2.1% (mean ± S.D.) were compliant with our transfusion guidelines, with no difference in compliance between any of the four NICUs. However, RBC transfusion rates varied widely between the four, with averages ranging from 4.6 transfusions/1000 NICU days to 21.7/1000 NICU days (P < 0.00001). Gestational age-adjusted transfusion rates were correspondingly discordant (P < 0.00001). The lower-transfusing NICUs had written anemia-preventing guidelines, such as umbilical cord milking at very low birth weight delivery, use of cord blood for admission laboratory studies, and darbepoetin dosing for selected neonates. Rates of Bell stage ⩾ 2 necrotizing enterocolitis and grade ⩾ 3 intraventricular hemorrhage were lowest in the two lower-transfusing NICUs (P < 0.0002 and P < 0.0016). Average pharmacy costs for darbepoetin were $84/dose, with an average pharmacy cost of $269 per transfusion averted. With a cost of $900/RBC transfusion, the anemia-preventing strategies resulted in an estimated cost savings to Intermountain Healthcare of about $6970 per 1000 NICU days, or about $282,300 annually. Using transfusion guidelines has been shown previously to reduce practice variability, lower transfusion rates and diminish transfusion costs. Based on our present findings, we maintain that even when transfusion guidelines are in place and adhered to rigorously, RBC transfusion rates are reduced further if anemia-preventing strategies are also in place.

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