
Why did National Leaders in India, China, and Peru Impose Coercive Family Planning Policies?


  • We argue that in the case of India and China the national leaders involved in coercive family planning were making decisions within a framework that emphasized distal factors of fertility, such as education and income, as driving the demographic transition, rather than the proximal factor of unfettered access to a range of family planning methods

  • Why did Indira Gandhi, Deng Xiaoping and Alberto Fujimori, in different parts of the world and at different times in the last half of the twentieth century, impose coercive family planning policies? Why did these leaders make such costly decisions? This analysis is concerned with the context in which national leaders articulated explicit policies to mandate, or forcefully encourage individual citizens to have fewer children

  • Focusing on family planning and safe abortion is essential in this era of rapid population growth and increasingly scant resources, but the shadow of coercive family planning continues to make many contemporary policy makers reluctant to focus attention on the need for voluntary family planning

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Review Article

Why did National Leaders in India, China, and Peru Impose Coercive Family Planning Policies?. We argue that in the case of India and China the national leaders involved in coercive family planning were making decisions within a framework that emphasized distal factors of fertility, such as education and income, as driving the demographic transition, rather than the proximal factor of unfettered access to a range of family planning methods. The latter emphasis is entirely free of any implications of coercion, whereas in some settings placing all the weight on socio-economic improvements as drivers of smaller families can create a framework for incentivizing the transition to smaller families, as occurred in India.

The Demographic Setting
Is Development the Best Contraceptive?
Coercion Imposed
Is Contraception the Best Development?
So What Went Wrong?
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