
Air bubbles in pure water appear to coalesce much faster compared to oil emulsion droplets at the same water solution conditions. The main factors explaining this difference in coalescence times could be interface mobility and/or pH-dependent surface charge at the water interface. To quantify the relative importance of these effects, we use high-speed imaging to monitor the coalescence of free-rising air bubbles with the water-air interface as well as free-falling fluorocarbon-oil emulsion droplets with a water-oil interface. We measure the coalescence times of such bubbles and droplets over a range of different water pH values (3.0, 5.6, 11.0). In the case of bubbles, a very fast coalescence (milliseconds) is observed for the entire pH range in pure water, consistent with the hydrodynamics of fully mobile interfaces. However, when the water-air interface is immobilized by the deposition of a monolayer of arachidic acid, the coalescence is significantly delayed. Furthermore, the coalescence times increase with increasing pH. In the case of fluorocarbon-oil droplets, the coalescence is always much slower (seconds) and consistent with immobile interface coalescence. The fluorocarbon droplet's coalescence time is also pH-dependent, with a complete stabilization (no coalescence) observed at pH 11. In the high electrolyte concentration, a 0.6 M NaCl water solution, bubbles, and droplets have similar coalescence times, which could be related to the bubble interface immobilization at the late stage of the coalescence process. Numerical simulations are used to evaluate the time scale of mobile and immobile interface film drainage.

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