
Information society, digitalisation, software solutions for everybody. Also for conference interpreters? What are the special characteristics of an inter-preter’s workflow that require specialised software? Does this specialised software already exist? After having a look at scientific findings and existing solutions in this field, this article shows the differences between the software requirements of interpreters and those of translators or terminologists. On the basis of these considerations, a model for a special software solution for conference interpreters is presented.


  • Interpreters – just like many other professionals – have to deal with an abundance of information from many different sources, and they do so under extreme circumstances: When preparing for the subject of a given conference, they need this very special and reliable information in the respective languages and well before the conference starts

  • As to the methods and tools for information management before, during and after a conference, there are a number of articles as well as some dissertations and PhD theses written by conference interpreters

  • It has clearly been shown that conference interpreters do need specialised software solutions, as their needs differ from those of translators or terminologists, and existing software designed for the latter does not suit their purposes

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Interpreters – just like many other professionals – have to deal with an abundance of information from many different sources, and they do so under extreme circumstances: When preparing for the subject of a given conference (usually highly specialised, with subjects varying widely from one conference to the ), they need this very special and reliable information in the respective languages and well before the conference starts. Interpreters need a system that serves their professional purposes by accessing, categorising and representing the required content and linguistic information quickly and precisely according to individually pre-set criteria. This helps them memorise relevant information under time pressure, permits intuitive information research while interpreting (in the booth) and supports efficient follow-up and updating of the personal information database afterwards. This paper will suggest a model that could satisfy the special needs of interpreters, being complex enough to satisfy their specific and individual requirements as well as simple and user-friendly enough to produce the necessary output and quickly, as it will only be useful if it does not cause additional complications

State of the art in research
State of the art: software
Conclusion and perspectives
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