
Poor oral health, impacting health and wellbeing across the life-course, is a costly and wicked problem. Data (or record) linkage is the linking of different sets of data (often administrative data gathered for non-research purposes) that are matched to an individual and may include records such as medical data, housing information and sociodemographic information. It often uses population-level data or 'big data'. Data linkage provides the opportunity to analyse complex associations from different sources for total populations. The aim of the paper is to explore data linkage, how itis important for oral health research and what promise it holds for the future. This is a narrative review of an approach (data linkage) in oral health research. Data linkage may be a powerful method for bringing together various population datasets. It has been used to explore a wide variety of topics with many varied datasets. It has substantial current and potential application in oral health research. Use of population data linkage is increasing in oral health research where the approach has been very useful in exploring the complexity of oral health. It offers promise for exploring many new areas in the field.

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