
Introduction: Who Is Afraid of Academic Freedom?, by Akeel Bilgrami and Jonathan R. Cole1. A Brief History of Academic Freedom, by Geoffrey R. Stone2. Truth, Balance, and Freedom, by Akeel Bilgrami3. Academic Freedom and Its Opponents, by David Bromwich4. Academic Freedom Under Fire, by Jonathan R. Cole5. Knowledge, Power, and Academic Freedom, by Joan W. Scott6. Obscurantism and Academic Freedom, by Jon Elster7. What's So Special About Academic Freedom?, by Michele Moody-Adams8. Academic Freedom and the Constitution, by Robert Post9. IRB Licensing, by Philip Hamburger10. To Follow the Argument Where It Leads: An Antiquarian View of the Aim of Academic Freedom at the University of Chicago, by Richard A. Shweder11. What Is Academic Freedom For?, by Robert J. Zimmer12. Academic Freedom: Some Considerations, by Matthew Goldstein and Frederick Schaffer13. Academic Freedom and the Boycott of Israeli Universities, by Stanley Fish14. Exercising Rights: Academic Freedom and Boycott Politics, by Judith Butler15. Israel and Islamic Freedom, by John Mearsheimer16. Academic Freedom and the Subservience to Power, by Noam Chomsky17. Academic Freedom: A Pilot Study of Faculty Views, by Jonathan R. Cole, Stephen Cole, and Christian C. WeissList of ContributorsIndex

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