
AbstractHuman interactions with computerized systems are shifting from using computers as tools, into collaborating with them as teammates via autonomous capabilities. Modern technological advances will inevitably lead to the integration of autonomous systems and will consequently increase the need for effective human agent teaming (HAT). One of the most paramount ideals human operators must discern is their perception of autonomous agents as equal team members. In order to instill this trust within human operators, it is necessary for HAT missions to apply the proper trust repair strategies after a team member commits a trust violation. Identifying the correct trust repair strategy is critical to advancing HAT and preventing degrading team performance or potential misuse. Based on the current literature, this paper addresses key components necessary for effective trust repair and the numerous variables that can further improve upcoming HAT operations. The impacting factors of HAT trust, trust repair strategies, and needed areas of future research are presented.KeywordsHuman-agent teamingTrust violationsTrust repair

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