
Captain Planet is a superhero, who is the main character of the animated series having the same title. The focus is on environmental protection and diverse social problems; the only weak point of the Captain is polluted environment which noticeably weakens him. Each episode of the animated series deals with environmental issues like deforestation, air or water pollution, overpopulation.
 Large-scale youth research has been conducted in Hungary every four year since 2000. The representative sample on age, gender, education, type of settlement, place of residence (district / city) among 15-29 year olds are used to learn about the life situation of young people, to follow their lifestyle changes and (in theory) to prepare (typically public policy) decision-making. The most important events and specific problems of Hungarian youngsters aged 15-29. 8000 youngsters were examined in 2020 as well, 
 We use the data of wave the 2020 large scale Hungarian Youth Research for mapping the „Hungarian Captain Planet”. We found, that H. Captain Planet does not belong to climate-fighter Generation Z, but youngsters aged 25-29 who are highly educated, who have a stable financial situation, who are not inactive, that is they either study or work (one third of youngsters belong to this group (32%)). It may be a commonplace, however, it was managed to prove this commonplace scientifically.

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