
missions. Computerization. Increasing state standards. Everyone everywhere seems to be asking what is wrong with American education, and like everyone else I'd like to offer some answers. Actually two answers, based on two exemplary incidents that have meaning for me and maybe for you, if you're old enough. The first can be titled, Who the hell is John Steinbeck? and is based on an incident involving people I know who are employed in a small manufacturing firm in downtown Toledo. It seems that one day the postage meter ran out, so one of the cigar-chomping vice-presidents of the firm ran across the street to the post office and returned with a sheet of postage stamps. On his return he glanced at the stamps he'd purchased and announced to his secretary and a half dozen others in the office, Who the hell is John Steinbeck? the stamps apparently being a commemorative thereof. By the end of the day the story had spread throughout the plant-some marvelled at his ignorance; some merely nodded, having confirmed now their suspicions about said v.p.; others really wondered along with him. The incident was related to me by a female employee, who with an earned MBA was doing menial inventory work. This big business maggot-not only can he not do his job, he's so damn dumb he doesn't know his own nation's Nobel Laureates, was her comment. Of course, as a former English teacher of twelve years I also fumed over his stupidity-but that is not the point. Our Big business 'maggot' was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, officer of his lodge, good family man, giver to the charities, ad nauseam; the point is, you don't have to know anything of any liberal art today to be a success object. The bottom line is what counts.

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