
In the Netherlands, where views of Muslims and Islamic family law are highly politicised, the application of Islamic family laws by Dutch courts is a topic of heated political debate. Especially polygamy and unilateral divorce by men (talaq) are thought to have a strongly negative impact on the position of Muslim women in the family. In order to assess the gendered impact of Islamic family laws in a European context, this article takes a closer look at Dutch state courts’ decisions. It asks how the application of Islamic family laws can be understood against the background of Dutch political discourses on Islam, family law and women’s rights. While in public and political debates, Islamic family laws are frequently thought to be women-unfriendly, this article shows that the encounter between Islamic family laws and Dutch law often has severe impact on the position of Muslim men living in the Netherlands.


  • In April 2011, Dutch extreme right-wing politician Geert Wilders called for legal change to prevent shari‘a being applied in Dutch courts through privateSportel: Who’s Afraid of Islamic Family Law?international law

  • The application or recognition of family law emerging from states with some form of Islamic family law is commonly discussed as a cultural conflict, which is immediately connected to the position of women

  • There are two ways in which Dutch courts may have to deal with Islamic family laws: when foreign family law should be applied according to PIL, and in recognising foreign legal decisions or status

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The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link. Please be advised that this information was generated on 2021-11-02 and may be subject to change. Dealing with Shari‘a-based Family Law Systems in the Netherlands Who’s Afraid of Islamic Family Law? Dealing with Shari‘a-based Family Law Systems in the Netherlands

Sexual Nationalism and Debates on Islamic Family Laws in the Netherlands
Controversies on Islamic family laws in the Dutch courts
Disputes between Family Members
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