
AbstractThis paper discusses musicians’ global mobility using the example of the World Music market. It draws on theoretical debates on migration and mobility, focusing on Glick Schiller and Salazar’s (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39(2): 183–200. 10.1080/1369183X.2013.723253, 2013) approach to regimes of mobility, in order to investigate how global mobility becomes part of musicians’ careers within unequal fields of globe-spanning power. An empirical analysis of migration history of musicians who performed at WOMEX–The World Music Expo between 2008 and 2017 reveals that a high share of migrant musicians (18%) are active in the World Music market. Nevertheless, it is the non-migrant touring musicians who seem to sustain this market as a transnational space beyond the boundaries of nation-states and ethnic groups. Most of them live in Europe, or, more specifically, in Spain, France, Brazil, the UK, and also the USA, which implies clear power imbalances within the World Music market.KeywordsGlobalizationMobilityMusicianWorld musicMarketTransnational space

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