
PRESIDENT HILDEBRAND'S address, Intelligence is Important, published in C&EN last Oct. 17 is a vigorous and outspoken statement. The presumption of an outside reader is that it needs some kind of reply. If it is not inapropos to intrude into the province of the engineer, a student of education would like to continue the dialectic, hoping to present the matter from another point of view and possibly clarify and illuminate an apparently dark corner of modern life, i.e., the theory and practice of modern education. Public School a Whipping Boy Our age is thought to be an age of special difficulty, an age of crisis, an age of turmoil and trouble. I don't suppose anyone now alive would deny it. In every age of trouble, there is a widespread temptation to look for some central cause, some generating center of dissidence and unrest. Some say the trouble today lies in the crass materialism of a ...

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