
A common challenge in fear conditioning studies is that a relatively large proportion of individuals fail to acquire a differential conditioned skin conductance response (SCR). Researchers have identified demographic factors associated with poorer fear learning and explored the use of different fear conditioning paradigms across various populations. However, few studies have strategically aimed to enhance acquisition by manipulating the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). In the current manuscript, we examined whether demographic factors predicted failure to condition (n = 274) and explored whether modifications to the UCS enhanced fear learning (n = 143). Results indicated that race, but not age, education, or gender, predicted failure to condition. Stepwise logistic regression demonstrated that race was the most influential of these predictors; African Americans were less likely to acquire a conditioned SCR, compared to non-African Americans. Also, use of a compound UCS (i.e., electric shock combined with a scream noise) led to nearly double the rate of acquisition of a conditioned SCR. Hence, use of a compound UCS may provide a way to reduce the number of excluded individuals in studies of fear-conditioned SCR and thereby improve the representativeness of research samples.

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