
On Aug 23 this year, WHO Director-General, Gro Harlem Brundtland shook the international health community by announcing her decision not to stand for a second term of office. The assumption that Brundtland would stay on as head of the United Nations health agency had been so strong that even her closest colleagues at the Geneva headquarters were taken aback. 1 Kapp C WHO chief announces surprise move to stand down. Lancet. 2002; 360: 695 Summary Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (1) Google Scholar What's going on at the World Health Organization?When Gro Harlem Brundtland began as WHO's new Director-General in 1998, the reputation of the organisation had reached a low point. The Geneva-based agency, which had just celebrated its 50th anniversary, was criticised as being a top-heavy, slow moving, over-politicised, even corrupt, bureaucracy that seemed incapable of responding to the fast-changing challenges of international health. Full-Text PDF A brief history of the World Health OrganizationIn the 1800s, markedly increased trade and travel with the East led to outbreaks of cholera and other epidemic diseases in Europe. In response to cholera epidemics in 1830 and 1847, which killed tens of thousands in Europe, the first International Sanitary Conference was convened in Paris in 1851. At the time, the cause of cholera was unknown and due to political differences little was accomplished at this or the next several meetings. Nonetheless, the conferences were the first attempt at establishing a mechanism for international cooperation for disease prevention and control. Full-Text PDF African candidate is early frontrunner but Executive Board may hold surprisesGro Harlem Brundtland's unexpected announcement that she will not stand for a second 5-year term as WHO Director-General has prompted feverish diplomatic manoeuvering as would-be successors compete for the blessing of the agency's Executive Board. Full-Text PDF Deficiency of antibacterial peptides in patients with morbus Kostmann: an observation studyAntibacterial peptides are a vital part of the first line of antibacterial immune defence. Deficiency in saliva LL-37 accords with occurrence of periodontal disease in patients with morbus Kostmann. Full-Text PDF

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