
In this paper, whānau Māori highlight how a Kaupapa Māori-centred intervention (the Harti Hauora Tamariki tool, hereafter Harti tool) has improved interactions with health services. The Harti tool is undergoing a randomised control trial (RCT) at Waikato Hospital in New Zealand. As part of the RCT, the authors engaged in a series of qualitative interviews with whānau members of tamariki Māori (children aged 0-5 years) admitted to Waikato Hospital's paediatric ward. Whānau who met at least one criteria for New Zealand's domains of deprivation were included. Using a Kaupapa Māori approach to the study, participants shared their views on barriers and facilitators to accessing health resources and primary care services. The interviews conducted highlight how the Harti tool, when administered in a culturally appropriate and respectful manner that prioritised relationship-building, enabled better connection to healthcare services. Prevalent in our analysis were connections to wider determinants of health and ways to reduce existing health inequities. To conclude the paper, how the Harti tool has enhanced feelings of being in control of health, with the potential to reduce the likelihood of a hospital readmission, is highlighted.

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