
The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance of white oat cultivars available in the Brazilian market, under distinct environments, to identify genotypes resistant to leaf rust and leaf spot. The study evaluated 22 white oat cultivars originated from several Brazilian breedingprograms. Independent experiments were conducted during the winter crop of 2013 in Londrina and Mauá da Serra, Paraná state, being the cultivars tested under two conditions: with and without the application of fungicides. The incidence of leaf rust, leaf spot, grain yield and hectoliter weight were evaluated. The following cultivars showed genetic resistance to leaf rust: URS Charrua, URS Corona, and URS Guará. Cultivar IPR Afrodite stood out for its high yield and hectoliter weight, with values of 4950 kg.ha-1 and 49.6 kg.hL-1, respectively, under fungicides application conditions. Cultivar URS Corona remained stable in the two environments, showing less yield reduction and greater resistance to diseases. Cultivars UFFA Gauderia, UPFAFPS Farroupilha, URS Fapa Slava, FAEM Carlasul, URS 21, and URS Taura showed average grain yield over 4000 kg.ha-1 with the fungicides use.

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