
Exploring white matter (WM) microstructural alterations is a momentous step for gaining insights about underlying mechanisms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and improving the efficacy of therapies for this condition. Many tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) studies have revealed abnormalities of fractional anisotropy (FA; an index of WM integrity) in OCD. However, research works have not drawn robust conclusions. Therefore, we integrated the findings of TBSS studies to identify the most consistent FA changes in OCD using meta-analytical approach. Online databases were systematically searched for all TBSS studies comparing FA between patients with OCD and controls. A coordinate-based meta-analysis was performed using anisotropic effect size version of the seed-based d mapping software. Meanwhile, meta-regression was used to explore the potential association of clinical characteristics with regional FA abnormalities. Our meta-analysis included 488 OCD patients and 519 controls across 17 datasets. FA reductions were identified in the genu of the corpus callosum and the left orbitofrontal WM in OCD patients relative to controls. Metaregression analyses showed that the FA in the left orbitofrontal WM was negatively and independently correlated with symptom severity and illness duration in patients withOCD. The current study provides a quantitative overview of TBSS findings in OCD and demonstrates the most prominent and replicable WM abnormalities in OCD are in the anterior part of the brain including interhemispheric connection and orbitofrontal region. Additionally, our findings suggest that FA reduction in the orbitofrontal WM might be a potential biomarker in predicting disease severity and progression in patients with OCD.

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