
Abstract We present an analysis of simultaneous particle and field measurements from the ARTEMIS spacecraft, which demonstrates that quasi-parallel whistler waves in the solar wind can be generated locally by a bulk flow of halo electrons (whistler heat flux instability). ARTEMIS observes quasi-parallel whistler waves in the frequency range ∼0.05−0.2f ce simultaneously with electron velocity distribution functions that are a combination of counter-streaming core and halo populations. A linear stability analysis shows that the plasma is stable when there are no whistler waves, and it is unstable in the presence of whistler waves. In the latter case, the stability analysis shows that the whistler wave growth time is from a few to 10 seconds at frequencies and wavenumbers that match the observations. The observations clearly demonstrate that the temperature anisotropy of halo electrons crucially affects the heat flux instability onset: a slight anisotropy T ∥/T ⊥ > 1 may quench the instability, while a slight anisotropy T ∥/T ⊥ < 1 may significantly increase the growth rate. These results demonstrate that heat flux inhibition is strongly dependent on the microscopic plasma properties.

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