
Whisker trimming is very common in C57BL/6J mice. Dewhiskering may lead to an alteration in the thalamocortical connectivity and relevant behavioral functions. Since C57BL/6J is a commonly used strain for neurobehavioral studies, it is important to examine how whisker dependent heterogeneity affects the internal validity of behavioral phenotypes. The present study aimed to investigate the responsiveness of mice to different behavioral test paradigms in the presence or absence of whiskers. We employed two models of whisker deprivation: Acute Whisker Desensitization (AWD) and Chronic Habitual Dewhiskering (CHD). The AWD model blocks whisker sensation by lidocaine application. For CHD model, mice at the age of 12 weeks were carefully scrutinized for presence or absence of whiskers and divided into three groups, the whiskered mice, partially dewhiskered mice and completely dewhiskered mice.The whisker-dependent behavioral functions were assessed using open field test, novel object recognition test, marble burying test and forced swim test. Our results showed that habitual dewhiskering significantly altered the short-term memory and basal anxiety-like functions. Such behavioral alteration due to dewhiskering was significantly different in fully and partially dewhiskered mice, which is indicative of behavioral adaptation to the whisker desensitization. Contrary to CHD, the Acute Whisker Desensitization ameliorated behavioral compulsivity and basal anxiety. Our results suggest that vibrissal desensitization in the mice may lead to changes in their affective and cognitive state. Since, heterogeneity in whisker status may affect behavioral functions, careful inspection of the whisker status of C57BL/6J mice is recommended to increase the reproducibility and reliability of results obtained from behavioral assessments.

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