
Research in humans has shown that whey protein (WP) helps preserve lean tissue mass (LTM) better than carbohydrates during weight loss, but it is not determined if other protein sources are as effective. WP is rich in essential amino acids, especially leucine, which has been shown to promote muscle protein synthesis via mTOR signaling. We compared the effects of WP and gelatin protein (GP), which is a poor source of essential amino acids, on weight loss in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome. Subjects consumed 20g daily of Prolibra™, a partially hydrolyzed WP rich in calcium and bioactive peptides, or a partially hydrolyzed GP during prescribed caloric restriction to induce weight loss. Both WP and GP groups lost a significant amount of weight over 3 months (18.8 + 6.7 lbs and 24.6 + 7.8 lbs, respectively). Although the GP group lost more weight, there was no significant difference in fat loss between WP and GP groups (14.8 + 6.6 lbs vs. 16 + 3.2 lbs). The GP group lost nearly twice as much LTM compared to the WP group (8.26 + 2.3 lbs vs. 4.4 + 1.6 lbs). Dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry, metabolic cart and blood marker data are currently being analyzed. We conclude that WP preserves LTM better than GP during weight loss. Preservation of LTM during weight loss may be important in maintaining weight loss and reducing risk of obesity related morbidities.Grant Funding Source: The California Dairy Research Foundation

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