
Sensorimotor computation integrates bottom-up world state information with top-down knowledge and task goals to form action plans. In the rodent whisker system, a prime model of active sensing, evidence shows neuromodulatory neurotransmitters shape whisker control, affecting whisking frequency and amplitude. Since neuromodulatory neurotransmitters are mostly released from subcortical nuclei and have long-range projections that reach the rest of the central nervous system, mapping the circuits of top-down neuromodulatory control of sensorimotor nuclei will help to systematically address the mechanisms of active sensing. Therefore, we developed a neuroinformatic target discovery pipeline to mine the Allen Institute’s Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas. Using network connectivity analysis, we identified new putative connections along the whisker system and anatomically confirmed the existence of 42 previously unknown monosynaptic connections. Using this data, we updated the sensorimotor connectivity map of the mouse whisker system and developed the first cell-type-specific map of the network. The map includes 157 projections across 18 principal nuclei of the whisker system and neuromodulatory neurotransmitter-releasing. Performing a graph network analysis of this connectome, we identified cell-type specific hubs, sources, and sinks, provided anatomical evidence for monosynaptic inhibitory projections into all stages of the ascending pathway, and showed that neuromodulatory projections improve network-wide connectivity. These results argue that beyond the modulatory chemical contributions to information processing and transfer in the whisker system, the circuit connectivity features of the neuromodulatory networks position them as nodes of sensory and motor integration.

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