
From an analysis of papers having a first-author address in Israel and listed in 26 consecutive issues of three editions of Current Contents (CC) (July-December 1982), we have identi fied the Journals often used, the institutions contributing many papers, and the distribution of papers by subject areas. Israel's share of the world's literature is a little over 0.9% in physical. chemical and earth sciences (including mathematics). 1.0% in the life sciences (new biology). and 0.8% in engineering. tech nology and applied sciences. Technion-Israel Institute of Tech nology, Weizmann Institute of Science, and Hebrew and Tel Aviv Universities are the leading puhlishers of papers in the physical, chemical and earth sciences, whereas Hebrew Univer sity, Weizmann Institute and Tel Aviv University lead in the life sciences. Technion leads the field in engineering publica tions. followed by Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv Universities. Most Israeli papers are published in US, UK and Dutch journals. followed by Israeli and Swiss journals. The 1820 papers in our sample appeared in over 740 journals. More than 36% Israeli papers in CC (PCE) and over 42% of papers in CC (LS) have appeared in journals with impact factors greater than 2.0. Thin Solid Films, Journal of Chemical Physics, Physical Review B. Biochimica Biophysica Acta, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA are among the most used interna tional journals, while Israel Journal of Medical Science and Israel Journal of Mathematics are two national journals carry ing many papers from Israel.

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