
Animals should optimize the decision of when to come out from a refuge after a predator’s unsuccessful attack because hiding may be costly. Many prey run to hide in refuges in their habitat, whereas others are sessile and take refuge in a protective structure surrounding their body. An intermediate situation is when animals, such as turtles, have morphological structures that provide some partial protection, but they are also able to escape actively to safer refuges. This might complicate hiding decisions predicted by the theory of optimal-refuge use. We studied antipredatory tactics of Spanish terrapins (Mauremys leprosa) in response to simulated predatory attacks with different characteristics (i.e. combinations of several risk factors) and under different conditions (i.e. proximity to safe refuges), which should contribute to overall risk-level estimation. We specifically examined how risk level affected time spent withdrawn into the shell and time until turtles switched to an active escape tactic. The results showed that turtles were able to adjust their hiding behavior by assessing the risk of emerging before the predator had left the area. However, increasing hiding time may also increase the risk that the predator was able to injure or kill the turtle. Thus, the possibility of switching the antipredatory tactic to an alternative active escape to safer refuges (i.e. water) also influenced hiding times.

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