
Reviewed by: When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb Kate Quealy-Gainer, Editor Lamb, Sacha When the Angels Left the Old Country. Levine Querido, 2022 [408p] Trade ed. ISBN 9781646141760 $19.99 Reviewed from digital galleys R* Gr. 9-12 After centuries of studying Talmud in a tiny shtetl in Poland, Little Ash, a demon, decides it’s time to find some excitement, and with all the hubbub around the wonders of America, he decides that’s the place to find it. He manages to convince otherwise content Uriel, an angel also studying in the shtetl, that they’ll be doing a mitzvah by tracking down the baker’s daughter, who hasn’t been heard from since she left Warsaw for the United States. Despite their supernatural abilities, the two experience many of the hardships facing immigrants in the early twentieth century, including a deceitful man who’s selling papers to America (and whose soul Little Ash eats), a cruel doctor at Ellis Island (a demon whom they eventually kill), and a corrupted factory owner (who is haunted by a dybbuk). For most of their journey, they’re accompanied by sixteen-year-old Rose Cohen, who left her village after her best friend and romantic crush Dinah married a man. Steeped in both Jewish folklore and the Eastern European immigrant experience, this immersive story is carried equally by the propulsive plot and the winning trio at its center. For a demon, Little Ash is surprisingly sentimental and caring, and though there are certainly hints at romantic feelings between him and Uriel, the focus remains on their deepening bond as the two find themselves in harrowing situations. Rose is a delightful firecracker, never one to back down from a challenge, and her vim and vigor serve as a rallying cry when Little Ash and Uriel are at their lowest. The Jewish elements are seamlessly interwoven, with most explanations either in dialogue or in the appended glossary, and historical details are used judiciously to bring atmosphere but not lengthy exposition. A mashup of historical fiction and magical realism, this will find a satisfied audience in fans of both. Copyright © 2022 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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