
Summary Appropriate selection of a bottomhole assembly (BHA) is critical to the success of a drilling operation. In US land drilling, these assemblies are often selected using local heuristics rather than rigorous analysis. These heuristics are frequently derived from the incentives of the directional contractor as opposed to incentives for the operator. Large motor bends enable more rotation through the curve and reduce the possibility of tripping for build rates. Unstabilized motors are believed to aid sliding and tool face control. Both of these practices lead to drilling a more tortuous wellbore and may cause problems later in the well’s life. This study quantifies the impact of these practices and proposes alternatives that can balance the needs of directional companies with the desire of operators for high-quality wellbores. More than 60 conventional motor assemblies used to drill curves in the Eagle Ford and Permian basins were analyzed for directional performance using commercial drillstring analysis software. The sliding and rotary tendencies were modeled through the curve across a range of potential drilling conditions. Expected build-rate models were validated by comparison to the maximum achieved doglegs in the directional surveys. When available, additional validation was performed using motor yields calculated from slide sheets. The validated models were compared to the dogleg severity (DLS) requirements for each assembly’s respective well plan. Comparisons of slide ratios and slide/rotate tendencies of the BHAs were used to estimate the impact on wellbore quality using the tortuosity metric proposed by Jamieson (2019). Typical well plans for both basins had curves of 10° per 100 ft with no well plan greater than 12° per 100 ft. Typical BHAs were capable of >15° per 100 ft under normal sliding conditions, with some assemblies capable of >20° per 100 ft of build. Predicted build rates were validated by slide sheets and observed DLSs. Common characteristics among assemblies with excess capacity were high-bend angles (≥2°) and minimal stabilization. These understabilized assemblies exhibited unstable rotary tendencies across a range of drilling parameters. The combination of high-build rates with rotary drop masks the true level of tortuosity in a wellbore, leading to an underestimation of unwanted curvature. A minority of the assemblies used a lower motor bend angle (<2°) combined with multiple stabilizers. These assemblies had a more consistent directional capability throughout the curve and exhibited stable behavior in rotation. The success of these assemblies confirms that there is potential for tailoring BHA designs to improve wellbore quality without compromising the technical objectives of the well. As increasing attention is afforded to the topic of wellbore quality, it is important to have methods available to technically achieve high-quality wellbores. In addition to the management of drilling practices, it is also important to have an appropriate BHA design that can enable those practices

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