
ABSTRACTZero-sum mind-set is characterized by the belief that success is limited and achieved at the expense of others. This study investigates the impact of a zero-sum mind-set on employee retention in the hospitality industry, particularly in the presence of workaholic leaders. Study 1 reveals that employees with this mind-set are less likely to have intentions to leave their work unit, and this effect is mediated by moral resilience, indicating that a zero-sum perspective may influence employees’ motivation to stay in their roles. Study 2 further examines the relationship between a zero-sum view of success and retention, finding that the presence of workaholic leaders strengthens this relationship. Specifically, when employees hold a zero-sum mind-set, the impact of workaholic leaders on turnover intentions is intensified. These findings highlight the importance of addressing the zero-sum mind-set in the workplace and promoting a more collaborative approach to success to enhance employee retention and well-being.

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