
EDITOR'S SUMMARYPrompted by federal mandates regarding data management planning, researchers sought to understand the needs and expectations of faculty at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for managing their data. An initial survey revealed weak identification with the word data. Researchers then customized surveys for four colleges, using terminology that would resonate best for each. Survey results showed a distinction between those who identify the primary output of their work as data vs. research materials. Among those in the College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, 91% responded they generate data, along with 65% of health center researchers, 68% of College of Science and Engineering respondents and 54% of those from the College of Liberal Arts. Those whose focus was data wanted support with long term data preservation and preparing for sharing materials. Respondents who stated they produce research materials rather than data indicated different needs, though help with long term preservation and better access to resources to support data management were common themes.

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