
Preface. 1. Active Crustal Subduction and Exhumation in Taiwan C.H. Lin, S.W. Roecker. 2. Melting of Crustal Rocks During Continental Collision and Subduction A.E.P. Douce, T.C. McCarthy. 3. Rheology of crustal Rocks at Ultrahigh Pressure B. Stockhert, J. Renner. 4. Thermal Controls on Slab Breakoff and the Rise of High-Pressure Rocks During Continental Collisions J.H. Davies, F. von Blanckenburg. 5. Exhumation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks: Thermal Boundary Conditions and Cooling History B. Grasemann, et al. 6. Active Tectonics and Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks A.E. Blythe. 7. K-Ar (40Ar/39Ar) Geochronology of Ultrahigh Pressure Rocks S. Scaillet. 8. Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of UHP Eclogites and Ultramafic Rocks of the Dabie Orogen: Implications for Continental Subduction and Collisional Tectonics B.M. Jahn. 9. Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks D. Rumble. 10. Tracing the Extent of a UHP Metamorphic Terrane: Mineral-Inclusion Study of Zircons in Gneisses from the Dabie Shan H. Tabata, et al. 11. H2O Recycling During Continental Collision: Phase-Equilibrium and Kinetic Considerations W.G. Ernst, et al. 12. Influence of Fluid and Deformation on Metamorphism of the Deep Crust and Consequences for the Geodynamics of Collision Zones H. Austrheim.

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