
ABSTRACT Pontecagnano is one of the largest pre-Roman sites in southern Italy, best known for its necropolises, located around the inhabited area. Archaeological excavations of the burial areas have uncovered more than ten thousand burials. Several studies have highlighted different phases of the settlement’s development from the 9th to the 3rd century BCE, which are marked by major societal and cultural shifts. In turn, these periods are reflected by changes in funerary customs. The present study aims to provide further evidence of these social transitions through an interdisciplinary analysis focused on the non-adult population. The analysis integrates archaeological, anthropological, and archeozoological data relating to 152 burials from three chronologically and spatially distinct funerary sectors: Colucci (early Iron Age, 9th century – 8th century BCE); De Chiara (Orientalizing period, 7th century – 6th century BCE); and Baldi (Archaic period, 6th century – first half of the 5th century BCE).

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